Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Causerie Called “Cotacachi” – Part 3


Wow! You took a long time to come back to me. Let us go and do some shopping in this town famous for leather and music.


All the way down the center of town you will find stores that sell leather goods – clothing, shoes, boots, hats – you name it and you will find it here. Each store has different items, and many of the manufacturers make these items in their tiny and simple premises, but the end results are absolutely brilliant……….and very reasonable.


These stores are open 7 days a week. Shopping times are different here. They open around 10 am. It is pointless shopping after 12 midday. Most of the stores are closed and sometimes open as late at 3:30pm. Some may remain open until around 7pm, and even most of the restaurants are closed as well. Owners of their stores wash their part of the sidewalk every day. The stores themselves are spotless. The businesses are run by mainly family members themselves.


The Ecuadorean people are shorter than the giant gringos that come along, but I guess they would have foot ware for the above average sized foot.


These leather stores attract many people from other towns in Ecuador, and there are always tourists that frequent Cotacachi; always people in and out of the stores that offer such a large variety of leather goods.


I took this pic for a specific reason. Here is a perfect example of the stores. People live on their business premises. The ground level is their store, and upstairs, their home. A really neat arrangement.


The sidewalk and the main street have been artistically paved. In certain areas of the town, perhaps the older part of Cotacachi, some side walks are really narrow. Now you judge for yourself. Would you be able to walk on such a narrow side walk? Keep the answer to yourself. No need to boast. And those of you who cannot, what would you if you were not allowed to walk in the street? Let me know.


I notice that you are looking a little flat. I am going to leave you here for a little while, so that this extremely sociable and pleasant man, can pump up your “wheels”. I’m speeding off to the stores that the indigenous people have, the very gifted, gentle and adorable Quichua people. If you do not understand what this dear man is saying, do not worry, he will talk faster so that you can understand him. He is really quite interesting and he has a passion for planes. He has a plane suspended on a chain around his neck, a ring with a “plane” design, and even a pocket watch sporting a plane. Ask him to show you. I’ll be back shortly . . . . . . . .

Thought for your Tour:

I know of a store that is famous worldwide. No matter how small the town or village, there is a branch right there where everyone who chooses can obtain the best clothing with no cost whatsoever. How would you like these beautiful clothes: “He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels”. (Isaiah 61:10)

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