Thursday, April 7, 2011

Feeding the Famished and Fainting - Part 2



Come on! We, the Gems of the Cotacachi Ladies’ Bible Class know that God speaks to His children from the Scriptures. How about you? Wow! Sapphire has almost finished her bread already. Each of my precious Gems has her own unique and precious characteristics. What treasures God gave me in C O T A C A C H I !!!! (of all places). Let me introduce each of these jewels to you. From left to right: An OPAL from Finland, SAPPHIRE, EMERALD AND RUBY – all mined in the U.S.A. Two of our Gems were not present today – AMETHYST and PEARL. We are seven Gems at present, with new Gems having arrived – just ready to be brought to the surface and polished in our Bible Class.

Feeding the Famished and Fainting – Part 1



Are you hungry for the living Word of God? These lovely ladies are. They are my Gems from the Cotacachi Ladies Bible Class, in Ecuador.