Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Cotacachi to College



Cotacachi, Ecuador, is about 3000 miles from St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A. I arrived in St. Louis on 11 May 2011 for my graduation at Pillsbury College and Seminary, and also to spend some time working at the college, recruiting new students and teaching.


The graduation was held at The Word at Shaw Church where the Chancellor, Dr. Curt Scarborough’s son, Keith, is the Pastor. The graduation was held on 14 May 2011.



The exciting moment had arrived.


Mentor and student! A momentous occasion!


God gave me the privilege to study at Pillsbury College and Seminary, where I wrote a teaching outline on every chapter of the Bible. The course designed by Dr. Curt, I believe, is the most blessed and rewarding that I have ever known. There is nothing that can compare with studying the pure and perfect Word of God. “Lord, I am so grateful!”


I was further honored by the invitation of the President of the College, Dr. Daniel Hite, to address the students at the graduation. The emphasis lay on how God led me over a period of 55 years, when I eventually arrived in Ecuador and then completed my studies  at the College through distance learning. He guided me clearly through His Word, the only sure foundation that any Christian can depend upon.


That precious moment in my life eventually happened. My special thanks first to God who enabled me, and then to Dr. Curt who made it possible.


“God gave them knowledge and skill in all literature and skill in all literature and wisdom . . . . . .  He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding. He reveals deep and secret things.”  (Daniel 1:17; 2:21)


My “Study Buddy” – my support person – my son, Shannon, who lives in Seattle and who has supported me through many years of studying in South Africa and in the USA. We have a common understanding and support system going, and I had the privilege of attending all of his graduations, the last one being at the University of Washington. “Thank you, my special son!”


One hundred and five degrees were conferred on students at Pillsbury College and Seminary’s 19th Annual Commencement.


After the graduation ceremony, Shannon and I headed off to the “Gateway Arch” and bravely landed at the highest point.


Boarding the “space craft” . . . . .


Reached a dizzy height . . . . . .


Photographed  . . . . . .


Spectacular views . . . . . . . .


The highest “mountain” I have ever climbed was studying the Scriptures from cover-to-cover. The views from the “top” are more than spectacular! I would encourage every Christian to do the same!

Come with me now, as I introduce you to PILLSBURY COLLEGE AND SEMINARY on my next posting.

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Dawn,

    Once again your bravery exceeds mine. I've lived in St. Louis for a half-century, but never pumped up enough courage to ascend to the top of the Gateway Arch.

    Dr. Curt
