Monday, November 1, 2010

Enter into Ecuador

Hi there, all the precious people that I know and love,

I am attempting a new trick and “old dogs” find it extremely hard to learn new tricks. Most of all I feel sorry for the poor family members who have to try and hammer their way through my rather dense skull. In order to confuse you a little more, I come from S.A. – that’s right from South Africa and from South America!

I had it in mind to send a monthly Newsletter from Ecuador, when Earl suggested I start a blog, and in that way it would be possible to give you more and sometimes daily information as to my activities here in Cotacachi, Ecuador.

I have only just started to develop, and I hope, conquer this new adventure. Please keep checking in. Shortly I will have more news for you. I plan to start from the time that Earl and I arrived in Ecuador.

Love you all – so very much.

1 comment:

  1. Hello!!
    Dawn then you really touched the ground well with a new all together.
    Our presents in a particular place should be acknowledged, by living a good legacy so to be remembered always.
    Thanks to your good friend, who guided you with the advice.
