Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Moments on Mountains – Scripture Search



Doctor Curt has kindly outlined two studies for this post, one on mountains found in the Old Testament, “Moses’ Mountain-top Experiences”, and one from the New Testament, “Mountain Climbing with the Messiah”.

It is interesting that he has chosen studies on both Jesus the Messiah, and on Moses. Jesus is the long-awaited Messiah, the Savior of the world, whereas Moses was called by God to deliver the Israelites from Egypt and to lead them to their “Promised Land”. Moses then may be described as a “type” of Christ, one who shadowed Jesus, our mighty deliverer from sin and eternal damnation.

Before you jump into the studies that Dr Curt has for us today, I want to explain very briefly the method of study that he has adopted. He uses 4 sub-headings, and I am going to describe what he has done with each of these headings.

1. Concentration: Dr Curt has selected, focused or zoomed in on seven mountains. See points 1-7. (Refer to Mountain Climbing with the Messiah)

2. Meditation: He has read the Scriptures indicated and prayerfully thought about the verses, briefly stating the facts and other meanings in those verses.

3. Revelation: Next Dr Curt asked the Holy Spirit to reveal to him some deep spiritual truths found in each of these facts.

4. Application: Notice how he applied each of the points discussed above, to his own personal life.

Take note that each point corresponds with each other, the 1 with each 1; 2 with 2 and so on. Notice how he has been enlarging on each point.


Studying the Scriptures


PLEASE . . . don’t just read the precious Word of God!     S T U D Y  IT !

Take your “pick and shovel” and “climb the hills” and then start “digging for treasure” in the Scriptures. Buy a journal, have your pen ready and have the most important BOOK in the world ready. You are going to find treasure today!



Read this underlined verse in the Bible out loud, and then determine that you, too, are going to “search the Scriptures daily to find out” (Acts 17:11) – that it contains treasure! Note the word “daily” !


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What do you see in Jeremiah 30:5? I am going to spell it out, because of its utmost importance in the life of every Christian.

“Write in a book for yourself all the words that I have spoken to you”. In other words, keep a daily journal of all that God reveals to you in His Word.


Steps to Study the Scriptures

1. See (read), search and study the Scriptures.

2. Invite the Holy Spirit to teach you – He knows every letter of the Scriptures, because He is the Author of the Bible.

3. Have a journal and a pen on hand.

4. An excellent way to study the Word is to use Dr Curt’s preferred method with 4 sub-headings: (1) Concentration; (2) Meditation; (3) Revelation, and (4) Application of the Word to your own life.

We are going to commence our study session with the mountains found in the Old Testament that Moses climbed, followed by the mountains that our Messiah climbed. Thank you, Dr Curt!


Moses’ Mountain-top Experiences

I. Concentration: on four mountains that Moses climbed and the reasons for his climbing them

1. Mt. Sinai (Horeb) – Exodus 3:1, 12; 19:8 - Where Moses saw the burning bush and heard God’s call; the place where, as a sign of God’s covenant promise, Moses would bring the freed Israelites to worship . . . and where God revealed His Ten Commandments to them.
2. Mt. Hor – Numbers 20:23 - Where Moses led the Israelites on their 40-year wilderness journey, and where, at the death of his brother, Aaron, a new High Priest was anointed to offer sacrifices for the sins of the nation.
3. Mt Ebal and Mt. Gerizim – Deuteronomy 11;29; 29:12 – Where the people of God, under Moses’ leadership, learned the blessings of obedience to God and the curses of disobedience.
4. Mt Nebo (Pisgah) – Deuteronomy 32:1; 49; - Where Moses was allowed to see into the Promised Land, the place where God’s people would dwell . . . although Moses, himself, was not allowed to enter because of his sin.

II. Meditation and Revelation: on these 4 mountain-top experiences

1. God speaks to every person who is alert to His voice, and when we respond positively, God will bring us back to that “holy ground” spot from time to time to worship Him and to hear His instructions on how we are to live as His people.
2. A spiritual leader does not live and serve forever, but in God’s good time, a chosen successor will be provided to continue God’s work.
3. Every person is given the choice by God: blessings or curses; our free-will response to God’s gracious offer to choose determines the quality of life we will live in the present and in the here-after.
4. Even the best of persons can miss the divine destiny that God wants them to fulfill . . .  either by direct disobedience or through lack of faith.

III. Applications: As a Christian, I need to . . .

1. Listen for the voice of God speaking to me personally, and revisit that “holy ground” experience regularly for spiritual renewal.
2. Make the most of my time on earth, realizing that if I am faithful in service, the Lord will cause my fruit to abide by continuing my work through another servant whom He has chosen and anointed.
3. Make the wise choice of obeying God, which brings manifold blessings to me, my family, and those around me.
4. Avoid disobedience and doubt . . . the twin sins that, although as a believer will not send me to hell . . . but will cause me to miss fulfilling God’s destiny for my life.


Mountain Climbing with the Messiah

I. Concentration and Meditation: on the mountains in the life of Jesus Christ

In life, we encounter many mountains. They are difficult to climb; some are extremely dangerous and frightening. But at the pinnacle, although the air is thin, it is pure and invigorating. And the views are spectacular! Note these mountains in the life of Jesus Christ.

I. The mountain of temptation  -  Where Jesus resisted Satan’s attempts to get Him to by-pass the cross; where Jesus chose to follow the will of His Father (Matthew 4:7)
2. The mountain of teaching  -  Where Jesus in His famous Sermon on the Mount taught His disciples the basic principles by which true followers must live their lives. (Matthew 5:1-7; 25).
3. The mountain of transfiguration  -  Where the divinity of Jesus was revealed to Peter, James and John, and where Jesus conferred with Moses and Elijah about His coming death on the cross of Calvary (Luke 9:30-31).
4. The mountain of struggle  -  Where, in Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives, Jesus yielded to the Father’s will, although His human nature dreaded the coming suffering and agony He would endure (Matthew 26:36-46).
5. The mountain of sacrifice  -  Where on Mt. Calvary (Moriah) Jesus shed His precious blood, dying for the sins of the world (Matthew 27:43-50).
6. The mountain of ascension  -  Where Jesus had prayed, “Thy will be done,” . . .  now from that same place, the resurrected Lord ascended into heaven where He continues to make intercession for us (Acts 1:9-12; Hebrews 7:25).
7. The mountain of return  -  Where Jesus’ feet will rest when He returns to the earth to rule as King of kings. (Zechariah 14:4). (This is the Mount of Olives, same place as numbers 4 and 6)

II. Revelation and Applications: As a Christian, I need to . . .

1. Resist temptation by quoting God’s Word, realizing that God never will allow me to be tempted beyond what I am able to bear, I Corinthians 10:13.
2. Study and follow the teachings of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount, knowing this is the only sure foundation for living, Matthew 7:24-29.
3. Seek a transfigured life, allowing God’s light to shine through me to bless others; transfigured = transformed, as in Romans 12:1-2.
4. Surrender my will to the Father’s, know that this is the most satisfying and productive path for me to walk, Matthew 6:10.
5. Take up my cross daily, and follow the Lord, Luke 9:23.
6. Receive the blessing of Christ’s interceding for me, right now, Hebrews 7:25.
7. Look forward with joy to the day of Christ’s return, Luke 21:28.

Mastering your Mountain

1. The best way to understand the Scriptures is to pray and ask God to draw near to you and to reveal His Word to you. You will be amazed what He will show you.
2. Make sure that you understand the 4 concepts – the 4 sub-headings and how Dr Curt enlarged on each of them.
3. Starting at the beginning, read over the study a couple of times, until you have an overall picture in your mind of what it entails.
4. Now focus on each point and read the Scripture reference/s Dr Curt has quoted. I would suggest reading the section on the event he mentions to get an overall view of what transpired in that instance.
5. Make your own notes as you read and as thoughts come into your mind
6. Study methodically using Dr Curt’s outline.
7. Make your own notes as you proceed with your study.
8. Become aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit as He opens up your mind to the deeper meanings of His precious Word.
9. Examine your own life, and see how you can apply what you have learned to your own life.
10. Ask God to help you to apply those areas that you have stated to your life, and that He will make His Word come alive in your life.
11. Whatever you do, do not stop now with the earnest study of the Scriptures. Can you remember the verse at the beginning of the study?  “They searched the Scriptures daily . . “
Hey, I am not finished with you yet! “Write in a book all the words that I have spoken to you” – with love from your Lord. He delights to share His Word with you.
For additional reading on this subject, you are welcome to refer to my two previous posts on “Moments on Mountains”.

Note: if you have any queries about the study, please do not hesitate to contact me at my email address, or leave a message on the “Comments”. I promise I will get back to you.



It’s time to evaluate your learning experience. Look at the pic right at the beginning of this post, and then refer to this one. Would you say that the mountains you have studied are clearer to you now?

You are so special to me, but even more to Jesus!

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